2023-06-20 19:34:00

Collection of chinquins 'O, moj Senju grade'

It is no secret that the students of the Nikola Tesla Branch School from Moravice love projects, and they gladly participate in them. They're also not afraid to try something new. So this time, it was the chinquins turn.

A chinquin is a poem of only five verses, of which the first verse consists of one noun, the second one of two adjectives, the third one of three verbs or verbal nouns, the fourth one is a sentence of four words, while the fifth verse is also a noun closely related to the one from the first verse.

Thus, our students became true poets and tried writing chinquins after they visited the town of Senj, which was both an inspiration raid for their works.

Namely, on June 2, the students visited this Uskok City and got acquainted with its rich history and culture. From this, a cross-curricular project of English, Croatian language, and Serbian language and culture spawned.

Students were supposed to write chinquins on one of the offered topics: Bora, Uskoks, Senj, Poets, and Nehaj. The written chinquins were then translated into English. But it didn't end there! They wrote them in Glagolitic script and then in Cyrillic.  Not only did they use three languages, but also two scripts. The beauty is in the diversity, isn't it?

They signed their chinquins with codes, and the expert group consisting of  Mirjana Krivokuća-Rožić, a Croatian language teacher, and Valentina Vukadinović, a teacher of the Serbian language and culture, had the difficult task of choosing the three most successful works among 26.

While the members of the expert group decided on this, under the guidance of Davorka Nekić, an English language teacher, a  collection of student works was created - a chinquins called "O, moj Senju grade", which, along with chinquins in Croatian and English, is adorned with original photographs and the authorial artwork of Petra Rebić, a 7th-grade student.

On June 20th, the collection of chinquins was officially presented. Certificates were presented to all participants of the poetry competition, and those for the first 3 places won commemorative "Senj" awards.

The most successful chinquins wrote:

  1. Sara Karabatković: Fortress
  2. Karlo Labazan: Fortress
  3. Ozren Jakšić: Bora


We congratulate all our students on participating in the competition and the effort they invested in creating their poetic works, without which the collection "O, moj Senju grade" would not exist.

Be the change you want to see in the world!  (M. Gandhi)


Collection 'O, moj Senju grade' is in the attachment.



Osnovna škola Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko